$Twelve$ great surprises with the JaMaDu give-away annual calendar

Join us on an exciting trip around the world 🌎 that will last an entire year, from January to December! Together with JaMaDu, Pippa, Tako, Leon and Tessa, you'll discover exciting countries, fascinating cultures and delicious dishes from all over the world. 🥗

Be inspired by traditional dishes and find out what JaMaDu and his friends experience on their journey.

Every month we introduce you to a new country. You can learn a little about the country, try out fantastic recipes from little FOOBY, and receive a special give-away with your JaMaDu meal at the Coop restaurant.

Come along and explore the world with JaMaDu and his friends!


Are you familiar with Pippa, the hippopotamus? 🦛 She's a friend of JaMaDu! This month, with your JaMaDu meal at the Coop restaurant, you'll receive a Collectopia Pippa figure.

Hippopotamuses, for instance, live in the Republic of the Congo. JaMaDu and his friends had already been there too. They went on a safari and observed the hippos in their natural habitat.

(Information without guarantee - as long as stocks last)

Chicken and spinach rice gratin from $little FOOBY$

Cassava and rice are among the most important foods in the Congo. Cassava and rice are staples in the Congolese diet. They are the basis for many traditional dishes in Congolese cuisine.

You can sometimes find cassava root in supermarkets in Switzerland, but it's not very well-known here. You're definitely familiar with rice 🍚 – it's available everywhere! In the Congo, rice is often cooked with meat, fish and vegetables such as kale.

Give the little FOOBY recipe a try!


Balloon Dance

One of Pippa's favourite activities is dancing – she would love to be a prima ballerina. 🩰

Give it a try too! Not only is dancing great fun, it also keeps you fit! You're training your muscles 💪🏽, becoming more flexible and faster. Dancing is also good for your mind, as it allows you to really switch off!- 

So grab your favourite music and let's get started with the balloon dance! 🎈

Please $contact$ us.

Contact person

Simona Alvarez


Tel. 061 336 71 67


This was $February$

This month, you'll receive practical taco holders with your JaMaDu meal at the Coop restaurant. This makes serving tacos a breeze! 🌮

This was $January$

Madagascar is also where JaMaDu comes from! To keep things exciting, this month you'll receive a Collectopia figure – will it be JaMaDu, or one of his friends? We can't wait to find out.

Kids Birthday Party

Celebrate a $birthday$ in the Coop restaurant

Entertaining stories, creative crafting, fun-filled games and a yummy cake await your child and their friends. For each party booked, you can choose a present from our partners for the whole family.


$Would you like to pay us a visit?$ We look forward to seeing you!